The Heart of the Matter: Love and Health Intertwined

The Heart of the Matter: Love and Health Intertwined

Awareness, Life Lessons
Hello, my LYLWL friends, Happy Love Month! I can't believe it's already February. Time truly does fly, doesn't it? As we embrace this month of love, I want to share something deeply personal and yet universally important: the intricate relationship between self-love, our health, and how this fusion is essential for nurturing loving relationships with others. Reflecting on my journey as a registered nurse for over 32 years, my career has been built on caring for others—a role I cherish deeply. Yet, there came a moment of stark realization: here I was, advising others about health, while personally, I was overweight, drained of energy, and on a fast track to severe health issues, potentially facing a heart attack or stroke before the age of 45. This epiphany led me to…
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